Customer Service

+91 76399 23234

Product Guarantee

If we make an error on your order, or if the product is defective in material or workmanship, or if your order was lost or damaged during shipment, we will replace the product free of charge since, your satisfaction is important to us.

Unfortunately, we are not able to offer warranties on products in the following cases:

1) Rubber stamps if damaged, due to re-inking of our stamps with incorrect ink by the Customer.

2) Typographical errors in any form made by a customer when entering an order.

3) Errors caused in choosing the brand and material or in color, by the Customer at the time of ordering.

Since custom products are made to order, these products cannot be returned or exchanged simply because the customer does not like the product.

For returns, please email our customer service department at Please include your order number while sending mail to us.
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a leading destination for online Rubber Stamps in India, We are offering the best and exclusive range of Rubber Stamps & ID Cards and a completely hassle-free experience with options of paying through Debit Card, Credit Card and Net Banking processed through secure and trusted gateways.


#17/1, Pragara Street, KARAIKAL-609602 Puducherry UT

+91 76399 23234

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